User Consent

You will have to provide consent to the following in order to view available offers.

Please Take Note: That by clicking continue and submitting this Consent, I agree to all the conditions as set out below.

  1. I hereby consent that I am authorised to sign and commit to this agreement on behalf of the company that I registered with Matlafin (Pty) Ltd.
  2. I hereby consent that MatlaFin (Pty) Ltd will receive the disbursement from the bank and will settle the merchant on my behalf.
  3. Payment to the merchant will be authorised by me with whatever method MatlaFin opt to use.
  4. I agree to the monthly subscription fee payable in advance that will enable me to utilise the system.
  5. I agree to an once off setup fee to be invoiced and paid before the system will be activated, and now payouts will be authorized if any fees are outstanding.

All parties agree that they will comply with POPI regulations and process all the information and/or personal data in respect of the services

being rendered in accordance with the said regulation and only for the purpose of providing the Services set out in the agreement to provide

services. The company (also called the service provider), all the parties to this agreement, the service provider’s employees, and the client’s

employees and any subsequent party/parties to this agreement acknowledge and confirm that

  • One or more of the parties to this agreement will possess and will continue to possess information that may be classified or maybe deemed as private, confidential or personal information.
  • Such information may be deemed as private, confidential, or as personal information in so far as it relates to any party to this agreement.
  • Such information may also be deemed or considered as private, confidential or as personal information of any third person who may be directly or indirectly associated with this agreement.
  • Further, it is acknowledged and agreed by all parties to this agreement, that such private, confidential or personal information may have value, and such information may or may not be in the public domain. For purposes of rendering services on behalf of the client, the service provider and any party associated with this agreement and/or any subsequent or prior agreement that may have been/will be entered into, irrevocably agree that “confidential information” shall also include inter alia and shall mean inter alia: (a) all information of any party which may or may not be marked “confidential,” “restricted,” “proprietary” or with a similar designation; (b) where applicable, any and all data and business information; (c) where applicable the parties may have access to data and personal and business information regarding clients, employees, third parties and the like including personal information as defined in POPI regulation; and (d) trade secrets, confidential knowledge, know-how, technical information, data or other proprietary information relating to the client/service provider or any third party associated with this agreement and (including, without limitation, all products information, technical knowhow, software programs, computer processing systems and techniques employed or used by either party to this agreement and/or their affiliates.
  • By accepting the tick hereunder, all parties irrevocably agree to abide by the terms and conditions as set out in this agreement as well as you irrevocably agree and acknowledge that all information provided, whether personal or otherwise, may be used and processed by the service provider and such use may include placing such information in the public domain. Further, it is specifically agreed that the service provider will use its best endeavors and take all reasonable precautions to ensure that any information provided, is only used for the purposes it has been provided. It is agreed that such information may be placed in the public domain and by signature hereunder, all parties acknowledge that they have read all of the terms in this policy and that they understand and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions as set out in this agreement. It is confirmed that by submitting information to the service provider, irrespective of how such information is submitted, you consent to the collection, collation, processing, and storing of such information and the use and disclosure of such information in accordance with this policy.
  • I specifically agree that I am aware and give consent that MatlaFin (Pty) Ltd may use my company information and related information that are captured and processed on the MatlaFin system for data analysis and marketing purposes related to MatlaFin offerings, promotional plans, financial models, inventions, long-term plans and any other information of the client and the company in whatever form it may be.

Please be advised that should you decline to provide MatlaFin with the required consent, MatlaFin will not be able to grant you access to the System or assist you to access the MatlaFin services that are provided through the system.

I consent to a credit bureau check.
I accept the terms of use.
I hearby give consent to share the information in my credit estimate with MatlaFin


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